The price of real estate properties is skyrocketing these days and finding a comfortable apartment within budget is becoming more challenging than ever. Those who are blessed enough to have a house are therefore planning to invest in remodeling to make sure they can enjoy all the amenities of an apartment in their old house. Considering the remarkable price difference between old properties and new ones, I think its a wise move to invest in remodeling instead of selling an old property and buying a new apartment.
However, remodeling is not a cheap affair either and since you are trying to improve a house that already has a fixed structure, its very important to calculate your steps before opening the purse. You have to make sure that the money you are going to invest will increase the livability of the house.
If you dont have thousands of dollars to spend in remodeling, here are cost-effective home remodeling tips for you. Read the following suggestions to change the overall ambience of your old house.
# Build a pantry to avoid kitchen cabinets:
The cost of building kitchen cabinets is quite high and they create more inconvenience than benefits. Cabinets go high up in the wall, consume that walls space that can be used for windows and since most cabinets remain out of reach due to height, they never get used properly. On the other hand, developing a walk-in pantry is much cheaper, it offers lots of area for storage and you may access the stored items with out a ladder.
# Install a shower and obtain rid of the bathtub:
If you own an old house, I am sure there is a bathtub in your home. It had been a trend in the s to install a bathtub in the bathroom to reflect the financial status of the homeowner. Tubs take unnecessary space and hygiene wise, isn’t very good as well. On the contrary, a shower could be set uped even in a small bathroom. It wastes less water and is obviously more hygienic than a bathtub.
# Try to bring windows together:
Its certainly good to have multiple windows in a house as they increase air movement and rays of the sun illuminate your home. You can certainly have many windows but their placement must be planned. For example, its always better to possess 2 windows on the south for much better wind rather than a window on the south wall and another on the west. Similarly, if your home has a great view (lake, sea etc.), make sure the majority of the home windows face that view. In the end, it isn’t just about air and light, excellent watchs are also with the capacity of rejuvenating you.
# Reduce ceiling height:
Most old houses have very tall ceiling to make sure inhabitants stay cool during heat waves and give the rooms a taller look. However, these days, cooling and heating both can be done with the help of an AC or heater. Hence, its easier to keep the ceiling low. Lower ceiling means less cubic area and which means reduceder electric consumption during the heating system or cooling process. If you wish to give the room a taller look, paint the walls using multiple colors to generate proper optical illusion.
# Spend time in planning to build intelligently:
Sometimes minor improvements can help you save a huge selection of dollars. For example, when there is not enough room in your room to accommodate a large cabinet, measure the area and make an effort to understand the reason behind area wastage. You might find that a large window is taking valuable surfaces and thus, you are not really getting any place to keep your cabinet. Just close the window through the use of bricks and you may find enough are usuallya to accommodate the new furniture without breaking the wall.
# Compartmentalize the bathroom:
If you have kids in your house and there is only one bathroom for them, the economical solution would be to compartmentalize the bathroom in two parts to make certain that two children can utilize the restroom simultaneously and yet like a little privacy. To do this, you can arrange the basins in a single part and commode and shower in another.
Hope these tips will help you in your house remodeling. Just one single final advice: dont try to stretch yourself to buy items that are out of your reach. For example, you may love the granite countertop for your kitchen but if its too costly, use a thing that comes within your budget. It is possible to always remodel the small things over time if you have enough money.